This is for all the men and women who work in their garages on their cars or any other project that consist of using grease. This is also the blog on how to make the other half happy when they step into the garage and see that it is finally grease spot clean!!!! Now it might not be MR. Clean, but it will be the next best thing.

Don't you hate seeing all those grease spots on the ground? If you guys are anything like me and my husband I am sure that you have used everything but the kitchen sink to try and get those spots out like; soap and water (which we all know doesn't work, but we always try it anyways), brake cleaning spray, purple power and who knows what other products my husband has tried using to clean it up. Well some of those grease stains or at least my husband tells me they are grease stains are just as stubborn as a toddler going through their terrible two's and three's and believe me I know because I am experience that right now as you read.

North Carolina had the most amazing beautiful weather that you could think of over the weekend. So naturally we decided it would be a great time to clean out the garage and pressure wash the house. Pressure washing did not take away all the stains and dirt that weather has left behind so I got out my trusty spray bottle filled with
Miracle Soap II and sprayed it all over the deck and the siding of the front of our house and wouldn't you know it cleaned all the dirt and grime right off. It actually now looks almost brand new and whats even better since it is all natural
minerals, sea salts, and cold pressed virgin oils. Miracle Soap II is
also all non-toxic, and biodegradable. There are no fragrances, colors,
agents or perfumes it seemed to have kept from our neighborhood friendly pets from coming back on our deck and it seems to have kept the stink buds (that are taking over western NC) away for now.

Since we were on a role we decided not to stop there and that is when I had the great ideal of spraying the Miracle Soap II on the grease spots in the garage. First we sprayed, scrubbed, and washed. We repeated that process three times and wouldn't you know; the spots came off of our garage floor!!!!!!!! I know garages are usually dirty and usually they all contains some kind of stains, but ours always contain a little more than the average since my husband rebuilds cars for people. I am a proud wife who can say that my husband is a very clean and so very organized person, but there are things that he can't even do. That is until I came along and sprayed his floor. I know I should have taken before and after shots of the grease spots, but since my husband nowhere in the near future plans on getting rid of his business I will be able to post a few pictures or maybe even a video for all of you none believers, but now after all these blogs and all the stories I am not sure how you can't be a believer.
If you go to http://katesmiracle2soapsale.com/Welcome.php you will find the cheapest prices still up to this very date and some of the best service.
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