I am sure that there are hundreds, no thousands, and maybe even millions that would agree with me they love summer, but can’t stand the bugs that come with it. While we humans worry about ourselves and these pesky creatures you can’t help, but worry for our four legged friends who are more susceptible to these creepy crawlies.
There are many medicines and home remedies out there to help and treat tick or flea problems, but why not just help towards the prevention of them. Using this very simple, but very easy choice called Miracle Soap II you can help prevent your family pet from becoming one of their favorite hosts for the summer season. First why not learn a little more about your unwanted guest and learn how to maybe avoid them all together.
Animals get fleas from stray dogs or stray cats, or some other neighbors’ dog or cat, or urban wildlife, mainly opossums and raccoons. These animals have either went through your neighborhood, your yard, or you pet has went somewhere in their territory. Either way the female flea is laying eggs or the eggs are basically left as an unwanted present in your environment. Then those eggs develop into adults and those fleas jump onto your pet. That’s how it happened.

Dogs or cats generally get ticks because they’re out in that environment, walking through the woods or high grass, and these ticks undergo what’s called questing, where they crawl up on these low shrubs or grass, generally 18 to 24 inches off the ground and they basically hang out. And when the dog walks by or we walk by and brush up against these ticks they dislodge and get onto us. They just lie in wait for us. It’s sort of an ambush strategy.
Animals can become sick from these unwanted guests. Probably the most common thing is, when these fleas are feeding, they’re injecting saliva into the skin. These salivary proteins are often allergenic and animals end up with allergies. The most common skin disease of dogs and cats is what’s called flea allergy dermatitis, where they bite and scratch and lose their hair. It can take only a few fleas for this allergy to become a problem. If you have a lot of fleas, since they’re blood-sucking insects, especially if you have puppies, pets can become anemic and even die with heavy infestations. Fleas also can transmit tapeworms to our pets.
With ticks, there are a dozen to 15 or more tick-transmitted diseases that our pets get from ticks. Theirs is the most common Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tularemia, and more Many of these diseases can kill pets.

Now even though the fleas and ticks are more prominent during the warmer months, that is no reason to stop bathing your dog in Miracle Soap II or spraying the Miracle Soap II Neutralizer Gel on them. There are so many different species of fleas and ticks that they can be a problem into late fall and very early spring there are about only two months out of a year that they may not be a problem depending on what area in the United States or anywhere else in the world that you live.
Many people think that it is ok to get those flea and tick collars that you can buy in the stores for your pets, but what most people don’t realize that dogs and cats are what they put on their bodies and they are what they eat also. Most collars contain pyrethroids, or synthetic pyrethrins. That is actually a class of insecticides that fleas and ticks are commonly resistant to, so one of the reasons over-the-counter formulations don’t work very well is that fleas and ticks are resistant to them. What that leads to is people tend to over apply and in reality you are taking a chance of poisoning your pet without even knowing it or even intentionally doing it.
Just because something is “natural” or “organic” that doesn’t mean it’s safe. Most of the poisons in the world are actually organic poisons. Some of these citric extracts people used to use can be fairly toxic to cats. The cats’ livers just can’t handle them. That is just one more reason why I highly recommend using the Miracle Soap II products. Miracle Soap II products are made from all natural minerals, sea salts, and cold pressed virgin oils. Miracle Soap is also all non-toxic, and biodegradable. There are no fragrances, colors, agents or perfumes.

To also make sure that Miracle Soap II is being used to its full potential don’t forget to cut the tall grass, trim back the bushes and shrubs, then rake up all the leaf litter under the bushes. The big issues I see is people tend to go out and start spraying their grass. That’s not effective and it’s certainly not good for the environment. Fleas and ticks are really sunlight and humidity sensitive. Most situations where we find them are under shrubs, under bushes, under porches, in shaded, protected habitats. So we should only be applying those compounds in a limited fashion under those locations. Then we’re going to let it dry on the foliage for three to four hours before we allow our pets and our children back out there. Don’t forget to check yourself and your pet on a regular basis for fleas and ticks before you enter you home.
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