So by now many of you have already opened your
windows and got all your stale winter air, dust, and grime out of the house. We
have come accustomed to calling this spring cleaning. Well with two kids and
now I am a nanny for a three month old baby I have found myself doing a lot
more cleaning than I have ever done in my life. I happen to be using a little
bit of Windex cleaner that I had left in my cabinet during one of my cleaning
sprees and I became curious and wanted to compare the ingredients in that
cleaner to my usual cleaning liquid Miracle Soap II products. Well I got on the
internet and typed into Google “cleaning ingredients”. To my surprise it was a
little shocking to read. I never thought a company who is all about family and
having a clean home would have found ways to make toxins OK in your home just
for the sake of it to be cleaner. I am not going to bash SC Johnson, because I
have used them for many years to keep my house clean before I found out about
Miracle Soap II product and to be honest I loved all their cleaners and hand
soaps, minus the vinegar spray. It’s not that I couldn’t handle the fumes or
smells from the vinegar cleaning spray, but I hated the fact it never left my
mirrors or glass windows streak free like it promised. I personally have never
gotten sick from using any of their stuff in my home, but now that I know there
are healthier and more economical ways to clean my mirrors, windows, bathrooms,
porcelain, glass, plastic, base boards and wood floors in my household, I have
chosen that path to keep my home a cleaner home.
As I was reading the official website I came across
a few of these questions and answer sections that were interesting enough to
put them on my blog and let my readers decided what they think of this for
themselves. Again there are no wrong or right answers this is all just based on
my opinion and what I prefer to use in my own home while cleaning.
more important: the chemical or the quantity used?
Both are important, but quantity is key. Think of it this
way: Most everyone would agree that water is a harmless chemical. But even
water can be deadly if you drink too much of it. The important thing in product
development is to select the right chemical to achieve the goal, and to use
only the amount that is proven to be safe and effective. At SC Johnson, we aim
to use the smallest effective percentage of key ingredients.”
2. “Do you test on animals?
In some cases, unfortunately, we have
to. We have to meet government, safety and environmental requirements for our
products – and testing is required by law for certain products – but we’re
working toward ways to meet these requirements while continually minimizing
animal testing. We know some companies say they “don’t test on animals,” but
we’re skeptical about that since it is often legally required. A company saying
it doesn’t test doesn’t mean that the ingredients themselves haven’t been
tested – the vast majority of ingredients used in products will have been
tested for toxicity. But some companies skirt this issue because their raw
materials were tested by the suppliers they purchase from, or from other
suppliers that those suppliers use. At SC Johnson, we care about honesty and
transparency in our claims. So, we won’t make broad, sweeping claims that imply
more than is true. We know some people may choose not to buy SC Johnson
products given their passion on this topic. But we hope you’ll give us a
chance, as we continue to be one of the companies that’s working hard to drive
advancements in this area.” SC Johnson then has a small section that you can
click on to read more about this topic if it interests you.
“Why use chemicals at all...why not make products from
natural ingredients?
Keep in mind that all materials are
"chemicals" - chemicals are the basic building blocks of everything,
including our food, clothing and the air we breathe. For example, water is a
combination of the chemicals hydrogen and oxygen (H2O), and air is a mix of
nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and other gases. Also, there are plenty of
chemicals found in nature that are toxic, such as arsenic and cyanide. Importantly,
sometimes a synthetic ingredient is a better choice for any number of reasons,
including sustainability. For example, using a natural ingredient that's in
short supply, such as sandalwood, could wipe out what's left of it. So, using a
virtually limitless synthetic might be more responsible. SC Johnson does use
ingredients found in nature, but only when they meet our own standards.”

I chose those three, but there are many more to read on their site. After
reading this now I am confident in my decision on changing my cleaning supplies
for Miracle Soap II. All Miracle Soap II products are made out of all natural
minerals, sea salts, and cold pressed virgin oils. Products are also all
non-toxic, and biodegradable. There are no fragrances, colors, agents or
perfumes. I may not be an animal activist and march down the streets to help
prevent the poor animals from living a life of testing, but I do care enough to
use a cleaner cleaning product that is not being tested on animals. This is one
more reason to go down the path of using a non alcohol, non vinegar, non bleach
and non Clorox product. It also can cut through grease, reduce streaks, deodorize
any smells and reduce build up while cleaning. You can use this for cleaning
any business, day care (which is awesome since now days you can never be too
careful, especially since we all know that kids love to put their hands and
mouths all over the glass windows) and it can be used in a food market to clean
even around fruits and vegetables that may come in contact with the spray.
Plus if you go on the Internet and you want to find the best deal on Miracle
Soap II for your cleaning, you can go to not only are they a good deal, but they guarantee that they are the
cheapest online and that they will match any other offer out there. If you find
it any lower than their price they will give you a $5.00 coupon. I honestly don’t
know how it could get any better than that, especially for a cleanaholic and a
family of two boys, two girls and a nanny to one.
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