People have enjoyed the sun for thousands of years, but only in the last century have people been using the sun to bake themselves to a golden tan. Many people can admit that before the nice golden tan took place; your skin masked itself with an angry pink or red burn. The sunlight that shines on mirrors, reflects through windows or just the direct sunlight itself can cause a burn within a few quick minutes. Many of us that experience this once understand the important act of supplying our skin with the proper amount of care, coverage, or some kind of sunscreen.

Listed below are all the simple kitchen items and things commonly found around the house to help with your uncomfortable sunburn. I also am going to give more information about Miracle Soap II that will not only help with your sunburned skin, but if you buy Miracle Soap II there is a list that is about a mile long that you can use the Neutralizer Gel for. Keep in mind, though, that these remedies cannot reverse the very real life damage caused by unprotected exposure to the UV rays.
- The Miracle Soap II product that I speak and think so highly about is the Neutralizer Gel that you spread on your body just like lotion. The gel contains electrically engineered eloptic energized stabilized oxygenated water, ash of dedecyl solution, calcium, potassium, magnesium 940 (carbopol). Not only will the Miracle Soap II Neutralizer Gel help with your burn, but the list is a never ending benefit. So for all of those people out there looking for a great item that will give you the biggest bang for your buck then I would tell you to check it out. Miracle Soap II contains the most complex mixture of natural minerals and organics that has ever been blended together. You can also purchase the Miracle Soap II Moisturizing Soap. This you can use in the shower with your sponges, loufas, or face cloths. This contains a benefit that will work quickly on any scarring, wound, or acne spot that is placed on the skin.

- Add a few heaping tablespoons of baking soda to your cool bath also makes a soothing remedy. Soak in the tub for about 15 to 20 minutes. If you soak any longer, you will lose the benefit of the baking soda and you risk drying out your already lizard like skin. When you've emerged, resist the urge to towel off. Instead air dry, and don't wipe the baking soda off.
- Oatmeal added to cool bath offers another wonderful relief for the sunburned skin. Fill up the tub and scoop ½ to 1 cup of oatmeal and mix into tub. Don't use harsh soaps, salts or oils. Many of these soaps contain a high level of Glycolic acid which is a natural ingredient derived from sugar cane, though it is now often made synthetically. It falls into the set of ingredients called AHA’s, or alpha hydroxy acids. There are five ingredients that fall into the AHA category; this data comes from Dr. Brannan’s, Guide to Dermatology. The ingredient contain: glycolic (sugar cane), lactic (milk), citric (oranges and lemons), malic (apples and pears) and tartaric acids (grapes). Glycolic acid is probably the most common alpha hydroxy acid and has the reputation of being one of the safest forms of alpha hydroxy acid. Even though this works as an exfoliate, anti aging and so on. This will still contain as stated before acidity synthetic ingredients so that means it is best to stay away from all these products that contain Glycolic Acid.
- The thick, gel like juice from the real aloe vera plant can take the sting and redness out. Luckily, this healing plant is available at your local nursery or even in the grocery store's floral department. Simply slit open one of the broad leaves and spread the gel directly to the burn just like if it were lotion. Do this five to six times per day for several days. Do not use store bought already made aloe or lotion with aloe, by the time they add all the other chemicals it is not even real aloe.

- If you cannot get to a bathtub you can soak a washcloth in cool water and apply it directly to the burned areas (do not ice or use an ice pack to the skin) for several minutes, re wetting the cloth often. Spread the compress multiple times throughout the day as needed to relieve discomfort. You can also add a soothing ingredient, such as baking soda, to the compress. Simply shake a bit of baking soda into the water before soaking the cloth.
- As the sun fried your skin, it also dehydrated it. Be sure to try and replenish by drinking plenty of water while recovering from the sunburn. Understanding that being well hydrated will in reality help the acts of healing burns better. That concept is easily overlooked and for that reason in remains to be one of the simplest, but difficult acts to maintain.
- The plain old potato makes for a wonderful pain reliever. It's a time-tested technique known throughout the world. Take two washed potatoes, cut them into small chunks, and place them in a blender or food processor. Blend or process until the potatoes are in liquid form. Add water if they look dry. Pat the burned areas or spread like lotion with the blended potatoes. Wait until the potatoes dry, and then take a luke warm shower. Another less messy method is to apply the mash to a clean gauze and place on the burn. Change the dressing every hour and reapply with new gauze. Continue applying several times a day by spreading or applying gauze for a few days until the pain is relieved.

- Worst case scenario you can always take a non-prescription pain reliever like aspirin or ibuprofen to help the pain and cut down some of the inflammation of the sunburn.
There is little you can do to stop the peeling of the skin after the healing process begins except to use lotion. To help with the peeling process you can also check out the Miracle Soap II Moisturizer. The moisturizer is just like lotion. Apply to the skin repeatedly throughout the day. This will help relieve some of the itching that comes along with the peeling of that area.

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